They blew up the levee now the farm is under water
Who’s going to feed my wife son and daughter
The old days are gone now no more peace and plenty
The bankers are smiling but they won’t lend us money
The gas tank is empty the kids are all hungry
My paycheck goes so fast rent’s due on Monday
Our house isn’t worth all the money we borrowed
My boss wants to see me first thing tomorrow
Lisa will you just stay with me
Hold my hand and help me breathe
I don’t know where we’re going to go
So I just really need to know
That you won’t leave me alone tonight
In this darkness you’re my light
If we have each other then we can
Start all over again
The twister came so fast such little warning
Half the town of Joplin gone by Tuesday morning
Some say the rapture is right around the corner
But so many of the good souls aren’t here any longer
I look at the children and think of the future
Wondering if things will every be the way they were
When grandma and grandpa sat by the screen door
They didn’t have much but didn’t need more
All Rights Reserved. Words and Music by Andrew Kutt. ©️2023 Andrew Kutt